
The Interpreting/Captioning Unit works to fill all accommodation related requests for the University community. To help us, please remember the following:

  • For ongoing, semester-long requests (i.e. classes, labs, meetings), we need as much lead time as possible, preferably four weeks prior to the first date of the request.
  • For one-time requests (i.e. meetings, study groups, special events), we ask for at least two weeks notice.
  • If you do not have the above lead time…submit your request anyway.  We cannot guarantee that we will fulfill all last-minute requests, but we will do our best!

We look forward to partnering with you as we strive to make all University related events inclusive and accessible! Reach us via email at [email protected].


Reserve Services:

Individuals needing to provide or receive accommodations may also request services with the following forms:

Sign language interpreting or transliteraring request 

Real-time captioning request 


Provide Feedback:

If you are a consumer of our sign language interpreting or real-time captioning services, we welcome your feedback:

Sign language interpreting services feedback form

Real-time captioning services feedback form 

Mcnamara Alumni Center side view

Plaza on south side of McNamara Alumni Center 

Mcnamara Alumni Center front view

McNamara Alumni Center

200 Oak Street SE, Suite 190

Minneapolis, MN 55414