About the Interpreting/Captioning Unit

We value diverse identites and experiences, and honor disability as an important aspect of human diversity. We are a resource center, meaning we partner with students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University to eliminate or minimize barriers and facilitate inclusion. Instructors can request services by going to the instructor portal and selecting the type of service required. Students requesting services must be registered with the DRC and can email [email protected] to request service. Please remember to include all necessary information so we can provide the service in a timely manner. 

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting 

We provide ASL interpreters as an accommodation for students, staff, faculty, and guests of the University. Request an interpreter or transliterator

Real-Time Captioning 

We provide real-time captioning as an accommodation for students, staff, faculty, and guests of the University. Request real-time captioning

Media Captioning 

We provide media captioning as an accommodation for students, staff, faculty, and guests of the University.  If you are an instructor needing this service to provide an accommodation for your class, please use the instructor portal and select Request Media Captioning. If you are a presenter needing to provide accommodations at a University sponsored event, please email [email protected].

Consultation & Resources

Access is everyone's everyday work. Some useful tips and tutorials available at accessibility.umn.edu. Students, staff, faculty, and alumni of the University can attend the Office for Equity and Diversity's Certificate Program, which includes workshops titled "Collective Access for All" and "Ableism and Disability Justice." At times we are also able to provide guidance and support for students, staff, and faculty, who desire to make their media accessible through captioning. If you have questions about interpreting and captioning services, please email [email protected]


5 student panelists sit at a table, a moderator signs a question to them, an interpreter stands to the side, behind the panelists a screen shows the question captioned. In the foreground, 2 captioners have laptops open ready to caption.

Image description: A panel of five Deaf and Hard of Hearing UMN students sit at a table. The moderator and an interpreter stand nearby. Captioning on a screen behind the students reads, "Next, as a Deaf and hard of hearing student here a the university, how do you work with captioners and interpreters on a regular basis?"

Media captions photo

Image description: A television screen with captions that read, "winds have picked up as the first major storm of the season arrives" and next to the screen is displayed the captioning symbol (CC inside a speech balloon).