Cheryl Fielitz

Cheryl Fielitz

Cheryl Fielitz: White woman with short blonde hair and glasses smiles at camera.


"If you have any questions, I would be happy to connect with you!"

English translation with visual description: Cheryl, a white woman with short blonde hair, dark glasses, wearing a purple shirt under a black sweater, signs to the audience.

"Hello!  My name is Cheryl Fielitz.  I work at the University of MN as the Manager of Interpreting Services.  I've worked at the U of MN since 2005...quite a while!  From 2005-2017 I was a staff interpreter, meaning I was out and about interpreting all over campus.  In 2017 I transitioned to become Manager of Interpreting Services.

Everyone at the Disability Resource Center works together to identify and dismantle barriers across campus.  It is good work, and I am proud of what we all do here in the DRC.

If you have any questions about interpreting services here--whether you are already on campus or thinking about coming--please contact me.  I am happy to talk, sign, videochat, email...whatever works for you.  I will be glad to connect with you!  Thanks and goodbye!"
