Janna Knittel

C-Print Training
A woman with pulled back, light brown hair wearing a maroon sweater and black and grey striped scarf smiles at the viewer.

Janna Knittel: This is a headshot of Janna. She has long hair clipped back and is wearing a burgundy sweater and a black and grey scarf.

Visual description: Janna has long, blond hair clipped back and is wearing a grey turtleneck sweater and a blue and green patterned scarf. She is standing in front of a plain, brown background in the video.

"Hello, my name is Janna. That is spelled j-a-n-n-a, but I do pronounce it “YAH-nah.” I am a captioner with the ICU at the University of Minnesota. I have a great deal of experience as a college student and as a college instructor so I value higher education a great deal. I’m really excited about helping students to learn and to  reach their goals and I hope you’ll come up to me and say hello some day."

"Hi there! Welcome to my page. I look forward to working with you!"
