Maria Holloway

Certifications: RID: CI and CT, NAD III
A woman with short brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black shirt and blue blouse smiles at the viewer.

Maria Holloway: White woman with short dark hair, smiling at the camera wearing a blue shirt.

Hello!  My name is Maria Holloway.  I've been an interpreter at the University of Minnesota since 2001, which is also the year I graduated from the Interpreter Training Program at St. Paul College.  I guess you could say that the University has become my "second home", and I feel incredibly grateful for all that I've learned and experienced in my time here.  I absolutely love the fact that my job as an interpreter provides the opportunity to connect with students, staff, and faculty across the University community, and I look forward to meeting - and working with - you!

"I absolutely love the fact that my job as an interpreter provides the opportunity to connect with students, staff, and faculty across the University community..."
